Australia as a starting point.
The genesis of this Liqueur, however, goes back long before this triumphant announcement. Once again, Bernard Baud draws on his travels and taste experiences to express the innovative capacity of Grandes Distilleries Peureux Massenez.
It was in Brisbane, Australia, at the “À Mare” restaurant, that Bernard tasted the “Pizza Martini” cocktail and discovered flavors that were both new and unexpected in this form.
Driven by curiosity, he interviewed a number of mixologists and found that many of them were looking for a way to bring silky texture and body to their cocktails, without using egg whites.
The bar experts, who make their own bread macerations, were very keen. This was all it took to arouse Bernard Baud’s curiosity, and two months later, he began his first bread maceration trials, using unsold bread from local bakers.
An original and virtuous process for the entire industry!
It took almost two years and a succession of macerations, infusions and distillations before the result was conclusive. The manufacturing process is jealously guarded, but the Grandes Distilleries Peureux Massenez are proud to promote – in their own way – the know-how of artisan bakers, and to be part of a virtuous circle of reuse and transformation of these baguettes that would not otherwise have been sold. In short, a virtuous, original cycle that enhances the joint work of the artisan baker and the master liquorist and distiller.
The result will be a bread brandy and a bread liqueur!
This eau-de-vie and liqueur de Pain are 100% French and 100% natural products that sublimate the art of distillation and baking.